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University Prize Scholarships

University Prize Scholarships

PhD students; text: Funding the world's brightest PhDs
Applications for scholarships for 2016/17 entry are now closed
Each year the University offers a small number of University Prize Scholarships to the very best PhD applicants. If you're among the brightest and best in your field, we want to hear from you.
These scholarships are open to applicants in all subjects. You can read about some of our current University Prize Scholarship holders on our scholarship holders page.

Award details

For new PhD students starting in 2016-17 (after 1st October 2016), the University Prize Scholarships will pay:
  • full tuition fees (UK, EU or Overseas)
  • an annual, tax-free maintenance stipend of £20,000
  • a Research Training Support Grant of £2,500 per year for study visits, conferences, books, consumables and equipment.
These scholarships fund up to three years full-time or six years part-time study, subject to satisfactory progress. Part-time studentships are paid at 50% of the full-time rate (i.e. £10,000 maintenance per year).


  • You should have, or expect to achieve, a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent.
  • You should be applying to start your first year of study on a full-time or part-time PhD with the University.
  • Awards are open to UK, EU and international applicants.

How to apply

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis - applications are assessed on the basis of academic success and qualifications, experience, research background, a clear well-articulated research proposal, the potential impact of the research and a good match with supervisor/ departmental expertise
The closing date for University Prize scholarship applications for 2016-17 entry is Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 5pm. Late applications will not be accepted in any circumstances.
Applications for 2016-17 entry are open via the postgraduate application system.  
You must apply for admission before your scholarships application will be considered. To apply for admission please click here

Further Information

If you have any questions about University Prize Scholarships please see our FAQs or email


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